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Round 2-Piece Pitch Pan
Acme Cone’s prefabricated round 2-piece pitch pan, also known as a pitch pocket, is the best way to seal any roof penetration. Since most roof failures occur at points of penetration, it is vital to have a high-quality pitch pan that is guaranteed to preform.
With our 2-piece pitch pockets, you will never have to worry about moisture build up or water damage. Acme Cone’s standard design offers you three different sizes:
6" Pitch Pan Round 2 Piece
9" Pitch Pan Round 2 Piece
12" Pitch Pan Round 2 Piece
Need Something Else?
We offer all our products in standard, prefabricated sizes but know that your construction might need something different. That’s why we have our custom build page, so we can help you design products specific to your needs!
Looking for something? We’re here to answer any questions you may have. Give us a call or request a quote today so we can keep your roof dry tomorrow.
(866) 516-4079